
We provide the links to media coverage on corridor relevant issues such as the site selection of the new Falcons stadium as well as reports on the studio itself.

DECLARATION: The opinions in the media coverage don’t represent the standpoint of the studio except pieces written by Prof. Michael Dobbins directly. Also, our aim is to share information with the interest groups in the corridor for your convenience and have included the original links. If there is any credit problem, please let us know. Thanks.

September 13, 2013 Reed announces deals with black churches for new Falcons stadium

September 9, 2013 Falcons stadium: Local hiring plan still to be addressed in discussions of community benefits deal

September 6, 2013 Falcons stadium: Residents question $15 million city had earmarked before deal reached among city, state, team

July 1, 2013 Northside Drive: $2 billion in planned development may spur road’s renewal

March 7, 2013 TOUCHDOWN! Atlanta reaches agreement with Falcons on new stadium

November 6, 2012 Rethinking a crucial road / GDOT’s comprehensive goal

October 24, 2012 Northside Drive’s renewal a critical “next step” to bolstering continued revival of Downtown, Midtown

Ocotober 22, 2012 Sale of state’s transit site at Atlantic Station fuels interest in new Georgia Tech study of Northside Drive corridor

September 6, 2012 The stadium effect: What happens when your neighbor is a multimillion dollar shrine to sports

August 31, 2012 Students crafting vision for Northside Drive

August 24, 2012 ‘South site’ gains favor for new Atlanta Falcons stadium with retractable roof

August 23, 2012 Mitchell Street Bridge Opens

August 23, 2012 UPDATE: Mitchell Street bridge – not just for zombies anymore!




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