Sept 9, 2013 Connectivity Studio Presentation

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Presentation One Community Development FINAL.Updated9.9.2013_Page_01









Updated Executive Summary

Review continuously in pdf format via the following link

Updated Executive Summary (Final Draft)ExecutiveSummary0614_Spread_Page_01ExecutiveSummary0614_Spread_Page_02ExecutiveSummary0614_Spread_Page_03ExecutiveSummary0614_Spread_Page_04ExecutiveSummary0614_Spread_Page_05ExecutiveSummary0614_Spread_Page_06ExecutiveSummary0614_Spread_Page_07ExecutiveSummary0614_Spread_Page_08ExecutiveSummary0614_Spread_Page_09ExecutiveSummary0614_Spread_Page_10ExecutiveSummary0614_Spread_Page_11ExecutiveSummary0614_Spread_Page_12ExecutiveSummary0614_Spread_Page_13ExecutiveSummary0614_Spread_Page_14ExecutiveSummary0614_Spread_Page_15ExecutiveSummary0614_Spread_Page_16ExecutiveSummary0614_Spread_Page_17ExecutiveSummary0614_Spread_Page_18ExecutiveSummary0614_Spread_Page_19ExecutiveSummary0614_Spread_Page_20ExecutiveSummary0614_Spread_Page_21ExecutiveSummary0614_Spread_Page_22

Final Presentation Slides

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Updated One Pager


Executive Summary Posted

Hi, Please find our executive summary under Working Files and free feel to leave a comment!

Welcome to Northside Drive Studio

A lot is happening in the Northside Drive corridor. Cobb County’s locally preferred alternative transit link to the core would utilize bus rapid transit (BRT) coming down orthside. The Stare Road and Tollway Authority’s (SRTA’s) strategically located site at 17th Street is up for sale without conditions that would serve transit connectivity. Georgia Tech is seeking to establish better program and physical linkages with its westside neighborhoods. A new stadium is in play. The Multimodal Passenger Terminal (MMPT) is finally in a serious planning and development mode. The Atlanta University Center (AUC) is actively revisioning its future. West End businesses are forming a community improvement district.

We, 17 Georgia Tech city ‘planning and civil engineering students led by Prof. Michael Dobbins, are preparing a plan for the corridor as a whole and for the sites where decisions are pending. We are sharing our studio materials and products here and open to any opinion, comment and suggestion of yours.

Welcome to our studio! We appreciate your interest and input!